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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Unique Electronic Timesheet

Proving that the only constant to change is change itself, the modern workforce has replaced the venerable timeclock with the electronic timesheet. Now not only can employees easily clock invia an electronic timesheet, but companies can use the electronic timesheet for other human resource needs rather than just tracking time and processing electronic timesheet payroll. Managers use electronic timesheets to better fill their unique electronic timesheet workplace needs, checking on past electronic timesheets to ensure all shifts are covered, ensuring employees are being used to the organization’s optimal benefit with this electronic timesheet.

The electronic timesheet has become critical in forecasting human resource needs. Having access to an electronic timesheet from any computer, ensures the ease-of-use for the manager, because these newelectronic timesheets can now access crucial employee data from home when making critical employee electronic timesheet staffing issues.

There are many electronic timesheets available on the market today. Every electronic timesheet will track an employee’s electronic timesheet“punches”, but the electronic timesheet programs that stand out above the others also have features such as electronic timesheet scheduling options and an electronic timesheet reporting option. The bestelectronic timesheets are electronic timesheets that interface seamlessly with major electronic timesheet accounting programs, electronic timesheet payroll providers and professional employee organizations, or “PEOs.”

Electronic timesheets should also be easy for both employees and managers to use in the workplace.

The greatest advantage about electronic timesheets is the electronic timesheet allows managers deal with potential electronic timesheet overtime and scheduling conflict issues. When a company implements tools such as electronic timesheets, it finds that it electronic timesheet productivity soar due to the electronic timesheet, but its employees make less human-prone electronic timesheet errors when it comes to electronic timesheet processing data for the payroll cycle on an electronic timesheet.

Finally, since we all know that “time is money,” the advantages of usingan electronic timesheet in the HR industry helps every company improve electronic timesheet accuracy, better utilize their staff with electronic timesheets, andcut the time it takesan electronic timesheet to track, collect and process payroll. In the end, the technology ofa modern electronic timesheetallows every company to save time, which in the very end, is money itself.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to Unlock Nokia Mobile Phone

Typically when you purchase a cell phone, the company that sold you the phone (ex: AT&T) 'locked' the phone before you bought it, so you can only use it on their network. This means that you can't use your phone on any other network, even if you change the SIM (which is an abbreviation for Subscriber Identity Module) card. The SIM card is the little piece of plastic that identifies your phone to the cellular network. Changing your SIM card to have your nokia phone work on another network is useful especially if you want to travel to another country and want to buy a pre-paid SIM card so you can have cell phone access without roaming charges. There are services that offer to provide unlocking capabilities for a fee, but don't pay for them! You can do it yourself for free, which is the perfect price.

1. Before trying anything else, contact your service provider and ask for an unlock code as per your nokia model. Usually, if you've been a customer of theirs for some time, they will provide you with free mobile unlock codes for your mobile phone. This is, by far, the best way to get your nokia phone unlocked.
2. Download software to generate the unlocking code. Software is available on some websites for free and some pay websites that also offer support if things go wrong. See external links below.
3. Find the Serial number of the nokia phone, also known as your IMEI number. This IMEI number help you to find nokia unlock codes for various nokia models. This can be done by either removing the back of your cell phone and looking underneath the battery, or simply by typing in *#06# into your cell phone. It should be something like: 010072321539976/07961780836
4. Using the software you have downloaded, enter in your Manufacturer (which is in this case Nokia), and sliding the card out. Put the battery back in and power the phone on.
5. You will see a message "Insert SIM Card". Enter all of the characters you see in your code, including the # symbols. To get a 'p' press * 3 times, to get a '+' press the * key 2 times, to get a 'w' press the * key 4 times. Disregard any spaces in the code.
6. In order to unlock your phone you generally need to enter only one code. Start with the first one. If your phone is not unlocked by typing the first code (MCC+MNC), use code "7" (Multilock)
7. Once you have finished entering a code that works you should see a message that says "SIM is not restricted" or "Restriction off" message depending on your model. If not, try entering another code. Message "Cannot undo restrictions" means the phone is "hard-locked" and cannot be unlocked by code.

• Be sure to backup important information from your nokia phone [Contacts, Messages etc].
• Make copies of all files downloaded from your phone *before* they are modified. If something is wrong with the modified copy, you can reload the unmodified one to go "back to normal" in many cases.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Push Email for Mobile Phones

It is interesting that the approach that vendors and carriers continue to tout to users is that they need ALL their emails on the mobile phones. Users can either register for a “push” email for mobile phones service such as the Blackberry and receive every annoying desktop email they get in its full glory with its hundreds of lines and threads. Or they can sign-up to other vendor offerings such as Google or Yahoo! with their “pull” offerings for Smart Phones which download your desktop email view to your 2×2 inch micro screen! Both types of services force you into expensive plans of $50-100 per month and you have to buy a Smart Phone. This is even the model for the more innovative devices such as the iPhone from Apple. So, what is a poor overwhelmed user to do?

Users need to look at reducing the volume and hence expense of the “all” or “nothing” model. The enterprise can look at buying a product that only forwards the critical emails to users with the option to reduce the content of those emails down to the key content. Consumers can similarly sign-up to Smart Email-to-SMS portals that automatically reduce the number of packets (and hence cost) based on salient content and then decide if that email should go mobile or not.

The carriers and the vendors would have us believe there are no such services! All you have to do is look at innovative solutions like the Email to SMS solution of Amika Mobile to know that there are great alternatives out there!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Are You Dialed Into Radio Advertising?

As some one who has worked on both the creative and executive ends of advertising for 25 years, I can tell you that radio is one of my favorite mediums.

Why? Because radio truly is the "theater of the mind." Radio uses voices, music and sound effects (sfx) to create moods and images that spark the imagination in very different ways than print or television ads do.

Advertise on radio, and you have the opportunity to deliver a powerful message to a specific group of listeners. Radio stations know exactly who their audiences are, so if know who your target customer is, radio gives you the perfect opportunity to reach him/her. Find the station with your demographic, get a sales rep who will partner with you, and get ready to mine for gold.

Another great thing about radio is that it's everywhere. At home, in the car, at the office, at the ballpark...wherever your customer is, radio isn't far away.

And have you ever noticed how loyal radio listeners are to their stations? Seriously loyal. Bordering on fanatical loyal. Mention a popular radio station's call letters in a group of people and you will inevitably hear someone say "Oh, I listen to them all the time!"

Radio stations are also strong on community involvement. Whether it's broadcasting a live remote at the grand opening of the new car dealership, or sponsoring a local charity event, no other medium touches listeners quite the same way radio does.

In conclusion, here are a few quick facts about radio you can use to impress your friends and family.

Radio's return on investment (ROI) is much higher (some studies say as high as 49%!) than television's ROI. Much of this can be attributed to the fact that television is much more expensive to produce and run than radio, so the money you spend to produce and run radio is much lower.

96% of people who drive or ride in a car use the radio.

In-car radio listening averages two hours and 12 minutes weekdays, and two hours and five minutes on weekends.

43% of drivers leave their car radios set to one station.

There are 5.6 radios per U.S. household.

There are over 13,500 registered radio stations in the U.S.

Okay, I'll get the picture. Radio is everywhere! And if you want the most bang for your advertising buck, radio is still one of your best resources.

(c) Copyright 2008, All rights reserved.

source:Donna Williams