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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Computer Repair Schools

If you enjoy working with computers and are good with your hands, Computer Repair School (also known as Electronic and Computer Repair School) can prepare you for a new career as a professional computer technician. In today's society, computers are found in every field of business and in every modern home and office. The need for people who can repair electronic equipment and computers is a natural offshoot to this trend.

There are numerous Computer Repair Schools in the U.S. and Canada. They can be found in community colleges, technical and trade schools, colleges and universities, and even online schools. Students may seek a school that offers either certification or an Associate Degree upon course completion.

The length of the computer repair course may vary from a few months for certification to two years for an Associate degree. Many graduates will also spend a few years in an apprenticeship to gain additional knowledge and skills that can help advance a career in computer repair. This hands-on experience can be a real stepping-stone to more employment opportunities as well as better pay and better working conditions. Employers need to know that the person they hire for computer repair is well-qualified and experienced in all aspects of the field.

Computer Repair Schools teach the vital skills needed to install, maintain, and repair office and factory computers, home computers, hospital computer systems, and all other types of computers. Electronic and Computer Repair Schools offer an education in all types of electronic repair, including telecommunication systems, televisions, radar systems, industrial equipment, climate control systems, and medical diagnostic equipment.

The typical computer repair position pays anywhere from $20,000 to $36,000 per year. Students may seek a school that offers either certification or an Associate Degree upon course completion. Many graduates will also spend a few years in an apprenticeship to gain additional knowledge and skills that can help advance a career in computer repair.

If you would like to learn more about Computer Repair Schools and Online Computer Repair Schools, you can find more in-depth information and resources on our website.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on

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