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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Find Deep Discounts on the Latest Electronics

I'm not that savvy about electronics. I know nothing about electronic games like Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But when I visited a young friend in the hospital and played with a Nintendo Wii, I was sold.

First of all, I was so impressed that the children's floor at the local hospital had a Wii. I'd never seen one before. They had a full set-up. Maybe it's an institutional version. It had a large monitor on a rolling cart that children could request for their rooms. We played tennis and golf, and of course my friend beat me.

It's hard for children in the hospital. They are inactive and have little sense of purpose or accomplishment. And they are certainly not having fun. Nintendo's Wii allow them to engage in a sport, be competitive, excel, and laugh. We had loads of fun.

For those of us who don't have generous benefactors like the children's unit at my hospital has, discount online websites bring consumer electronics within reach. A number of online sites advertise big discounts off retail prices. Good Internet stores also offer manufacturers' guarantees and layaways. How can you tell a good online store from a disreputable one? One way is to check to see if they have good BBB standing.

I don't even have a cell phone or a digital camera. My friends are starting to get mad at me because they can't reach me when I'm away from home. I don't see the point, but today when my dinner plans dissolved because my friend and I couldn't find each other, I gave in and ordered a phone.

After my success with Wii, I'm thinking of expanding my collection of home electronics. I travel an awful lot. I like to hike and kayak and do anything else that takes me away from the maddening crowds. An MP3 or MP4 player would keep me entertained during long bus trips and airport layovers.

I'm even thinking about getting a GPS unit. My family wants to buy one for me so I don't get lost on my backcountry adventures. I've been insisting that I don't need one - I've never been lost for long. But I think they might be right, so I might just accept their generous offer. With the security of a GPS unit, I could travel even farther off the beaten track. I'll tell them about the discount electronics websites.

There's a way to save even more money on consumer electronics. You can subscribe to the newsletters of certain online electronics stores. Lifetime newsletter subscribers get cash discounts beyond the already discounted prices. Not a bad idea if you're electronics buff and like to buy the latest technological gizmos.

Whether you're looking for LCD TVs, camcorders, DVD players or any of the other home electronics I've already talked about, you can choose from a great selection of name brand products without leaving the comfort of your home. No need to brave the crowds at the mall and comparison shop. With fast shipping, you'll get your new toy before you finish your Wii tournament!

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